Enabling the Future of Space Exploration
Garrow Space Systems Inc. is a Canadian start-up focused on developing the technologies needed to enable the next generation of industry in space.
Co-Founder: Chief Operating Officer | Systems Engineer
Towards the end of 2019, myself and four other colleagues from my SFU cohort created the company Garrow Space Systems to develop a small electric propulsion system which doubled as our engineering capstone project. For years prior, the entire team was involved with the SFU Satellite Design Team in various positions and came to understand the magnitude of the growing industry which is the exploitation of space via lower-cost launch services. With regard to small satellite technology, there is still a tremendous opportunity for innovation in a variety of areas, particularly in Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) technology. The team decided tackle the GNC field with our first product venture: the Zoran Thruster.
Raising Funds | Gathering Support
During the first few months after the company’s inception, the team worked intensely to gather support in the form funding via private and public grant programs. In August 2020, we were notified that Garrow Space Systems had been awarded the Canadian Space Agency’s Space Technology Development Program (STDP) grant, which helped to accelerate the business and technical development of the company. August also saw the end of the team’s capstone development cycle, meaning the team then moved to work on the company as an extracurricular as the majority were is still enrolled in school or working in internships around the world. However, I applied for the competitive eCo-op program at the SFU Venture Connection Incubator for the fall semester for which I was accepted. Starting from September 2020, I worked in a full-time paid position with the incubator until the end of December, working with top business mentors to build a strong business foundation for Garrow Space Systems moving forward. Garrow had raised a total of $156,000 CAD through financial support from the CSA, Angels and the Venture Connection Incubator program.
Our Mission
Garrow Space Systems was founded with the aim of developing cutting-edge technologies to support new and emerging industries in space. Our focus areas include in-space re-fuelling, manufacturing and assembly, satellite servicing, orbital debris removal, and asteroid mining.
Technical Contributions
Contributed to a team of five in the design and construction of a hall-effect thruster for small satellite applications using Agile project management techniques.
Designed the firmware for the Propulsion Control System (PCS) using TMS570 as the microcontroller unit.
Developed a software application for the PCS using QML for Windows, allowing for the reading and writing of values to the custom-built PCS module.
Assumed the role of business lead, collaborating with mentors through the VC Incubator to conduct market research, customer interviews, and systems engineering to establish a vision for the company's future growth.
Cube satellites being launched from the International space station. Credit: NASA